Scalp irritation can be caused by many factors such as stress, tension, inappropriate care and natural hypersensitivity. But, whatever the cause, the consequences are the same. Itching, tension, irritation and redness appear.
Lotion Ergines E soothes all the symptoms of irritated scalps in the blink of an eye and allows a rapid normalization of their condition. The phenomenal action of Ergines E is based on an active complex specially developed by Biosthétique: the Sensitive Complex. This proves to remove 54% of skin redness from the first use. The Sensitive Complex has soothing effects, relieves irritation and promotes the regeneration of highly irritated areas of the scalp. It allows deswelling and locally anti-inflammatory effects. The scalp becomes more and more resistant to these aggressions and relaxes permanently. It also regains normal function, an ideal condition for healthy hair growth and beautiful hair that is easy to combe.
How to Use:
After shampooing, ideally Lipokerin E Shampoo, distribute about 7 to 10 ml of Ergines E Lotion line by line on the scalp and massage gently, without rinsing.